To The Moon and Back | Maria Goretti | Book Review

To the Moon and Back is a collection of 40 poems that capture the poet’s personality, drawing the reader into her collage that is creative, wild, untamed and whimsy.

In the foreword, Vir Das said, ” Love is pain, in both the chest and ass. It is a pain in the ass to find it, and we all know what a pain in the ass it can be while it sticks around. And yet nothing hurts more than when it leaves you, because it WILL not leave you, even after it’s gone. That free fall to the bottom of your chest and the incredible climb back out of the darkness it bestows are where the greatest songs, movies, books, sonnets, and sugary carb-loaded snacks are born.” I couldn’t agree more. I was hooked to the book from there itself.

The poems in the book beautifully talk about different feelings and emotions like love, loss, bonding, nature, nostalgia, regrets, loving yourself etc. Each poem gives you some food for thought. Each of them is different in its own way taking the reader to a different world. They are written in modern lyrical poetry style.
While I have many favorites in the book, some poems left me confused too. The book had its ups and downs as some poems failed to leave and impact and left me wondering about the idea behind it. The language is simple and helps you flow through the poems. I’m surely going to revisit my favorites in the book.

Overall, it was a good read for me and I would recommend you to try it.


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